A Hydrogel-based microfluidic device for the studies of bacterial and mammalian cell migration
We have developed a hydrogel-based three-channel microfluidic device that is capable of generating a stable linear concentration gradient for the study of both bacterial and mammalian cell chemotaxis.
Three parallel microfluidic channels are patterned on a 1mm thick agarose gel membrane. The linear chemical gradient is established in the center channel via diffusion.
The device advances the current state- of -the-art in microchemotaxis device
For more information please see the following paper:
Jin Pian Diao, Sue Kim, Elizabeth Fogarty, Mingming Wu, Lincoln Young, Peng Zhou, Mike Shuler, and Matthew P. DeLisa , A three-channel microfluidic device for generating static linear gradients and its applications in the quantitative analysis of bacterial chemotaxis, Lab on a chip, 6, 381 (2006).
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