

September 9, 2024. Wu will give a talk at MSC, University of Diderot, Paris on "Decoding physical principles of cell migration"


June 7, 2024. Wu will present "Biological matrices regulate cell and tissue mechanics" at International meeting in memory of Yves Couder, Self-Organization in physics and biology, morphogenesis, turbulence, walking droplets and non-linear physics, Paris, France.


June 5, 2024. Young Joon will present "Tumor spheroid mechanics and invasion revealed by a microfluidic rheometer" at the IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Developments in Cellular Mechanobiology, ETSi, Seville, Spain.


May 15, 2024. Wu will present "Tumor mechanics and invasion" at the 2024 CCBIR / Cancer TEC Annual Investigators Meeting, John Hopkins University, Maryland, USA.


April 5-10, 2024. Brian will give a talk at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2024 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA. "Hyaluronic Acid Impairs NK Killing Towards Breast Tumor Spheroids Despite Elevated Cytotoxicity".


April 1, 2024. Wu will present "Biophysical force regulation in tumor cell and tissue dynamics" at UCLA mechanical and aerospace engineering department seminar, Los Angeles.


March 3-8, 2024. Young Joon's work will be presented at the American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting in Minneapolis, MN. "The Mechanics of Tumor Spheroids Revealed by a 3D Microfluidic Rheometer."


March 5-6, 2024. Brian and Young Joon will present their work at the 6th Annual Mechanobiology Symposium at the University of Pennsylvania. "The Mechanics of Tumor Spheroids Revealed by a 3D Microfluidic Rheometer."

Brian - "Roles of CD44 in Traction Force Generation in Hyaluronic Acid-rich Tumor Microenvironment."

Young Joon - "The Mechanics of Tumor Spheroids Revealed by a 3D Microfluidic Rheometer."


February 16, 2024. Young Joon and Mrinal will each present a poster at the Cornell BEE Annual Research Symposium.

Young Joon - "Development of a 3D Microfluidic Platform for Dynamic Compression of Tumor Spheroids."

Mrinal - "Effect of Compression on Tumor Fluidity and Invasion."


January 23, 2024. We welcome new graduate students, Faith and Cass, and new undergraduate student, Lynn to our lab!


October 16-20, 2023. Wu will give a talk at the Workshop on Information Networks in Biological Systems, ISEC Cargese, Corsica, France. "Mechanical Network Facilitates Long Range Cell-Cell Communication".


September 19, 2023. Wu will give a talk at the Biophysics Theory Group Seminar, Institute of Curie, Paris, France. "Tumor and Tissue Mechanics".


September 14, 2023. Young Joon will present a poster at the Cornell Nanoscale Facility (CNF) 2023 Annual Meeting in Ithaca, NY. "Development of a 3D Microfluidic Platform for Dynamic Compression of Tumor Spheroids".


April 25, 2023. Young Joon will present a poster at the New York State Nanotechnology Network (NNN) Symposium at SUNY Albany, NY. "Development of a 3D Microfluidic Platform for Dynamic Compression of Tumor Spheroids"


April 14-19, 2023. Brian will give a talk at the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) 2023 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL. "β1-integrin and CD44 may both be required in modulating traction force transmission in collagen-hyaluronic acid hydrogels ".


April 4-5, 2023. Brian will give a talk at the 5th Annual Mechanobiology Symposium in Philadelphia, PA. "Studying the role of tumor mechanics on tumor-immune cell interactions using a 3D microfluidic platform".


February 24, 2023. Congratulations to Young Joon Suh for winning the Best Poster Award for his poster on "Development of a 3D Microfluidic Platform for Dynamic Compression of Tumor Spheroids" at the Cornell BEE Annual Research Symposium.


February 24, 2023. Mrinal will present a poster at the Cornell BEE Annual Research Symposium. "Effect of Compression on Tumor Fluidity and Invasion".


August 22-26, 2022. Wu will be giving a presentation at the Lorentz Center in Netherlands. "Biological materials promote cell-cell communication".


July 27, 2022. Congratulations to Brian Cheung who successfully passed A-exam, now an official candidate for the PhD program. Job well done, Brian.


June 21, 2022. Congratulations to Fangchen and Larissa, whose joint work on the growth of photosynthetic organism titled "Microscope-based light gradient generation for quantitative growth studies of photosynthetic micro-organisms" is published in Lab on a chip.


June 17, 2022. Wu will give a talk at LADYHX, Ecole Polytechnique, France. Cell and tissue mechanics.


June 13, 2022. Wu will give a talk a symposium on cell migration. College de France, Cell language: Roles of cell-environment communication in tumor invasion.


April 21, 2022. Wu will give a talk at the physics colloquium, SUNY Buffalo. Cell language: Roles of cell-environment communication in cell migration.


March 14-18, 2022. We will be at American Physical Society March Meeting in Chicago.

Mrinal Pandey -- Effect of compression on tumor fluidity and invasion. (8:12 -8:24 AM, Thursday, March 17)

Young Joon Suh --   Development of a 3D microfluidic platform for dynamic compression of tumor spheroids. (3:12 -3:24 AM, Thursday, March 17)

Fangchen Liu  -- Effects of light and nutrients on the growth of algal cells revealed by a microfluidic platform. (5:12 -5:24 AM, Thursday, March 17)


November 8, 2021. Wu will speak at the physics colloquium at Oregon State University. Cell language- Roles of cell-environment communication in tumor invasion.


October 12, 2021. Wu will speak at the GRC conference Information Processing in Noisy Biological Systems.


October 1, 2021. Congratulations to Young Joon Suh, who has successfully passed A exam and now is an official PhD candidate in the Biological Engineering at Cornell.


September 22, 2021. Congratulations to Tao, whose paper titled "Biologically Inspired Micro-Robotic Swimmers Remotely Controlled by Ultrasound Waves" was published in Lab On a Chip. See news coverage on Cornell Chronicle here.


March 17, 2021. Fangchen's  work on algal cells got published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society.


March 16, 2021. Young Joon's  work on chemotaxis got published in Bulletin of the American Physical Society.


September 10, 2020. Tao will speak at Cornell Nanofabrication Facility Annual meeting on Engineering Micrometer Scale Robotic Seimmers for Biomedical Applications.


August 17, 2020. Congratulations to our collaborator Jenn Schwarz, who received a NSF award on our collaborative work: Modeling Tumor Invasion with Spheroids Embedded in Extracellular Matrix. An associated postdoc position is here.


April 20, 2020. Wu will speak in  Physics department at University of Oregon. Cancelled due to COVID-19.


April 6-9, 2020. Wu will speak at the KITP conference at UC Santa Barbara. Frontiers of Active Matter.


March 2-5, 2020. We will be at American Physical Society Marching meeting in Denver. Young Joon Suh --  Chemotaxis of Breast Tumor Spheroids in 3D ECM; YuLing Huang -- A tug of war between cell-cell and cell-ECM interaction during tumor invasion; and Fangchen Liu  -- Synergistic effects of nitrogen and phosphorous on the growth of algal cells revealed by a microfluidic platform


Feb 21, 2020, Our work is featured in Cornell Chronicle, Physical tool helps track cancer cell diversity.


Jan 14, 2020. Wu will give a talk at the physics department of Georgia Tech. Biophysical force regulation in cell migration


10/06/2019 – Joint lab hike with Bustow lab. Photo credit to Brian Cheung.



09/12/2019 – At the CNF annual symposium, YuLing and Sumit will present a poster entitled: Microfluidics for modeling interstitial flows in breast tumor cell invasion. Fangchen will present a poster entitled: An array microfluidic platform for studying harmful algal blooms.


05/07/2019 – Mingming Wu is giving a talk at Cornell Cancer Biology group,  titled:  Physical force in tumor invasion.


05/01/2019 – See news coverage on Young Joon's work here, Risk of metastatic cancer increases in those who have diabetes.


04/12/2019 – Mingming Wu is giving a seminar at Biophysics seminar series in Physics department at Syracuse University.


03/29/2019 – Mingming Wu speaks at a workshop on Mathematics of form in active and inactive media, at Newton Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, England.


03/21/2019 – Congratulations to Young Joon, whose paper titled "Glycation of collagen promotes tumor cell invasion" is accepted for publication in Integrative Biology.


03/05/2019 – American Physical Society meeting. Congratulations to YuLing, who is receiving a travel award at the American Physical Society meeting in Boston.



03/06/2019 – American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Yu Ling Huang, Tumor spheroids explode in the presence of interstitial flows revealed by a 3D microfluidic model (Oral), Boston, MA, USA, March 4-8, 2019


01/22/2019 – Gordon Research Conference - Directed Cell Migration, Brian Cheung, Real-time Imaging of RhoA Activities of Tumor Cells Embedded in 3D Collagen Matrix Under the Influence of Interstitial Flows (Poster), Galveston, TX, USA, January 20-25, 2019


11/26/2018 – Wu will speak at a Special Seminar Series in University of Toronto. Check it out here!


10/03/2018 – Congratulations to Fangchen who received a well deserved best poster award at the CNF annual symposium.

PC: University Photography, Simon Wheeler



06/01/2018 – Our lab is featured on Cornell Research. Please come check it out here!


05/27/2018 – Congratulations to Yujie and Claire for completing their Honors Thesis and for graduation!



03/09/2018 – Congratulations to Nicole Wagner and her team for getting first place and Young Joon Suh and his team for getting the second place at the BEE symposium.


03/08/2018 – American Physical Society (APS) March Meeting, Yu Ling Huang, Interstitial flows modulate tumor cell invasion using a 3D microfluidic model (Oral), Los Angeles, California, USA, March 8th, 2018


03/05/2018 – Wu will chair two focus sessions (Session A51 and Session B51) at APS on Physical Force Regulation in Cells and Tissues.


12/14/2017 –  Wu speak in program on  Growth Form and Self-Organization, Issac Newton Institute, Cambridge University, UK. Physical force regulation in cell migration.


09/14/2017 – Congratulations to Yu Ling, Yujie, and Min for getting the best poster award at the CNF Annual Meeting.


09/14/2017 -- Come to see posters from YuLing, Young Joon and Jane at the CNF annual symposium.


08/02/2017 -- Congratulations to Yu Ling whose review paper on Microfluidic modeling of biophysical microenvironment in tumor cell invasion has been accepted by 'Lab on a Chip'.


08/01/2017 -- Congratulations to Dr. Wu for a R01 award from the National Cancer Institute, entitled: Microfluidic platform for tumor cell invasion. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Segall at Einstein College of Medicine.


07/18/2017 -- Sebastian Jusuf gave a presentation at ASABE conference, Spokane, Washington. Title: Roles of cell-cell communication in the formation of algal blooms.


05/16/2017 -- Wu gave a seminar on Physical force regulation in cell migration, Engineering department, Brown University.


05/01/2017 -- Congratulations to Dr. Wu for an award from the USDA, entitled: Nanoliter Habitat Platform For Understanding Harmful Algal Bloom. This project is in collaboration with Prof. Ahner and Winans. We thank ACSF for a prior pilot project fund for this research.


04/27/2017 – Congratulations to  Claire and Jane, each was awarded a Summer Research Fellowship from The Cornell Engineering Learning Initiative. Job well done.


04/17/2017 – Cornell Sun reported Matt’s thesis work: Cornell Researcher Explains Mechanisms of Communication Between Cancer Cells, by Jheel Shah.


03/13/2017 – Physical force regulation in tumor cell invasion, The American Physical Society meeting, symposium on collective cell migration, New Orleans. Speaker: Mingming Wu


03/07/2017 – Physical force regulation in 3D tumor cell invasion, The Ohio State University, Biomedical Engineering department seminar, speaker, Mingming Wu


12/02/2016 -- Mechanical & Industrial Engineering department seminar, University of Toronto, Speaker, Mingming Wu


11/21/2016 -- Congratulations to Matt, whose paper on cell-ECM cross talk is in press in PNAS. "See Cornell chronicle news."


11/17/2016 -- Wu will speak at the International Conference on Nanotechnology Applications and Implications of Agrochemicals towards Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, Beijing, November 17-18th, 2016.


10/21/2016 -- Congratulations to Wu, who was elected as an American Physical Society (APS) fellow. "Read more about this news"


10/07/2016 -- Huang will speak at Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) 2016 Annual Meeting scheduled for October 5-8, 2016 in Minneapollis, Minnesota.


10/03/2016 -- Wu will speak at Penn Muscle Institute (PMI) at the University of Pennsylvania.


09/30/2016 -- Wu will speak at Physics department, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.


08/30/2016 -- Congratulations to BJ and Jason, their paper on Electron acceptors and bacterial cell chemotaxis has been accepted by ' Frontiers in Microbiology'.


6/20/2016 -- Former Postdoc Chih-Kuan Tung speaks at the conference on Smart and Active Matter in Syracuse, NY on : "Viscoelasticity promotes collective swimming of sperm"


06/07/2016 -- Wu speaks at a National Cancer Institute seminar on Microfluidic models for cancer cell invasion, Bethesda, MD.


04/28/2016 -- Congratulations to Matt, who was selected as an CALS Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, a well deserved title.


04/20/2016 -- Congratulations to Matthew Hall who successfully defend his thesis!!!


04/18/2016 -- Congratulation to Megan Powers who was awarded an Engineering Learning Initiative research award for her proposal on Quorum sensing and algal blooms.


04/13/2016 -- Wu speaks at Einstein College of Medicine, New York. Microfluidic models for cancer cell invasion.


03/19/2016 -- Sperm swim collectively in visco-elastic fluids, read Chih-Kuan's work featured in BBC. "Sperm swim in teams when fluid is gloopy"


03/14/2016 -- Congratulations to YuLing Huang and YuJie Ma for getting the best poster award at the BEE, our department annual symposium. Job well done !


02/25/2016 -- Wu speaks at the Symposium on Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering: Environment and Sustainable Development, Beijing China.


12/09/2015 -- Congratulations to BJ and Tim for the acceptance of their paper on EPJP. The title of their work is: Epidermal growth factor promotes a mesenchymal over an amoeboid motility of MDA-MB-231 cells embedded within a 3D collagen matrix


12/08/2015 -- Congratulations to Yu Ling for successfully passing the A-exam, an important step towards a PhD degree.


10/25/2015 -- Wu gave an invited talk at the UIUC Workshop on Cell/Matrix Mechanobiology - "current state and future directions"


09/29/2015 -- Our paper "An array microhabitat system for high throughput studies of microalgal growth under controlled nutrient gradients" has been highlighted on the Lab on a Chip blog see "Lab on a Chip blog"


09/17/2015 -- Our work on studying algal bloom, in collaboration with Professor Stephan Winans, is featured in Cornell Chronicle, see "Researchers Study ways to disable algal bloom"


07/31/2015 -- Wu's interview on our work of cancer cell migration in microfluidics has been featured in BioTechniques by Sarah Webb, see "The Depths of Cell Migration"


07/31/2015 -- Congratulations to Beum Jun Kim! His paper on "An array microhabitat system for high throughput studies of microalgal growth under controlled nutrient gradients" has been accepted for the publication in Lab on a Chip.


07/17/2015 -- Congratulations to Yu Ling Huang! Her paper on "Interstitial flows promote an amoeboid over mesenchymal motility of breast cancer cells revealed by a three dimensional microfluidic model" has been officially accepted by Integrative Biology.


06/14-17/2015 -- June 14-17, 2015, Mingming will give a talk on "Modeling biological flows using microfluidic devices" at Nanotech, advanced materials & applications, Washington DC


04/14/2015 -- The work first authored by Chih-kuan Tung appeared in PNAS on 4/13, and is featured in Cornell Chronicle, see "Female reproductive tract assists swimming sperm"


03/13/2015 -- Congratulations to Chih-Kuan Tung! His paper on ' Microgrooves and fluid flows provide preferential passageways for sperm over pathogen Tritrichomonas foetus' has been officially accepted by PNAS.


03/04/2015 -- March 04, 2015, Tung will present a poster on "Interstitial flows promote an amoeboid cell phenotype and motility of breast cancer cells" at the at the APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX


03/02/2015 -- March 02, 2015, Tung will give a talk on "Collective dynamics of sperm in viscoelastic fluid" at the APS March Meeting, San Antonio, TX


02/10/2015 -- Febuary 10, 2015, Hall will give a talk on "Cell migration forces within three dimensional elastoplastic collagen matrices are modulated by fiber crosslinking" at the Biophysical Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland


02/03/2015 -- February 03, 2015, Congratulations to Chih-Kuan Tung whose manuscript on Emergence of upstream swimming via a hydrodynamic transition was accepted by Physical Review Letters.


01/28/2015 -- January 28, 2015, Mingming will give a talk on "Microfluidics for directed cell migration" at the Gordon conference on Directed cell migration - Using a multidisciplinary approach to decipher cell migration, Galveston, Texas


10/22/2014 -- October 22, 2014, Mingming will give a talk on "Physics of Directed Cell Migration" at the Physics department colloquium at Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY


06/16/2014 -- June 16-18, 2014, Mingming presents "Pattern Formation in Biology" at the International conference on Phase Transitions at Low Temperatures, Pattern Formation and Turbulence, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-organization, Göttingen, Germany.


04/01/2014 -- April 1, 2014, Beum Jun Kim presents at the Fifth Annual NCI PS-OCs Network Investigators Meeting on "The Migration of MDA-MB-231 Cells in 3D Collagen Matrix Follows the Levy Flight Statistics, Improving Cells’ Target Search Strategy When Either CCL19 or EGF is Supplemented", Bethesda, MD, USA.


03/26/2014 -- March 26, 2014, Chih-Kuan gives a talk at the Cornell University Reproductive Physiology/Endocrinology Seminar on "Surface Topography and Fluid Flow Provide a Preferential Pathway through the Cervix for Sperm", Ithaca, NY.


03/08/2014 -- March 8, 2014, Denver, Colorado. Hear Chih-Kuan's work on biological phase transition in this Physics Central Podcast. "Phase Transitions and Bull Sperm"


03/06/2014 -- Chih-Kuan will give a talk at the American Physical Society Meeting on "Swimming against the flow - An orientational disorder to order transition", Denver, Colorado, USA.


03/05/2014 -- Mingming will give an invited talk at the American Physical Society Meeting on "Single cell traction microscopy within 3D collagen matrices", Denver, Colorado, USA.


12/08/2013 -- Matt Hall gives an invited talk at the 5th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, on "Single Cell Traction Microscopy within 3D Collagen Matrices", Sitges, Spain.


12/03/2013 -- Wu presents at Caesar (Center of Advanced European Studies and Research) seminar series on " Microfluidics for directed cell migration", Bonn, Germany.


10/17/2013 -- Wu will give a talk on Microfluidics for Cancer Cell Chemoinvasion in a workshop, "Microfluidics for quantitative biology" in Beijing, China.


09/24/2013 -- Congratulations to Alyssa Fiore who won an undergraduate research award from the Cornell Engineering Learning Initiative on her research proposal entitled "Swimming against the flow -- Roles of fluid flows in cell migration."


09/19/2013 -- Congratulations to Chih-Kuan Tung who won a poster award at the CNF annual symposium. This is to recognize his work in modeling sperm microenvironment using a microfluidic device. This work is in collaboration with Alyssa, Flor, and Susan.


09/14/2013 -- Wu will give a seminar on Physics of directed cell migration, at a symposium Frontiers in Biophysics at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.


07/31/2013 -- Congratulations to Matthew Hall for passing A Exam on the development of a 3D Single Cell Traction Microscopy.


07/16/2013 -- The work first authored by BJ Kim on cancer cell chemoinvasion has been featured on Cornell Chronicle by Anne Ju, see "Device mimics cancer cell environment"


07/01/2013 -- The Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future (ACSF) has awarded Wu and Ahner a grant to pursue their work on developing a microfluidic platform for the studies of the growth of cynobacteria, see "2013 Cornell AVF Grant Award News"


07/01/2013 -- Congratulations to Beum Jun Kim, who has been promoted to senior research associate position, and our collaborator Herbert Hui, who will become Joseph C. Ford Professor of Engineering, starting July 1st, 2013.


04/17/2013, Scottsdale, AZ -- Kim will present a poster at the NCI's Fourth Annual PS-OC Network Investigators' Meeting on the 'A novel statistical approach for characterizing the heterogeneity in tumor cell dissemination'.


03/21/2013, Baltimore, MA -- Tung will give a talk at the APS March Meeting 2013 on 'A contact line pinning based microfluidic device for modeling intramural and interstitial flows'.


03/21/2013, Baltimore, MA -- Tung will present a poster at the APS March Meeting 2013 on the 'Development of a microfluidics model for studying migration of sperm in the female reproductive tract'.


03/13/2013 -- Congratulations to Matt and Feng for the acceptance of their paper on 'Towards 3D Traction Microscopy within Collagen Matrices' in the Experimental Cell Research.


03/12/2013, Columbus, OH -- Wu will give a talk in the Mathematical Biosciences Institute at the Ohio State University on the 'Directed cell migration: Experiments and Modeling'.


03/08/2013, Syracuse, NY -- Wu will speak at the seminar series in the physics department, Syracuse University on the ' Physics of Cell Migration'.


02/06/2013 -- Our work on cancer metastasis is featured on Nature, titled "Tracking metastasis and tricking cancer"


01/24/2013 Palm Springs, CA -- BJ Kim is invited to talk at CHI's 12th Annual PEP TALK, titled "Batch, fed-batch, and microcarrier cultures with CHO cell lines in a pressure-cycle driven minaturized bioreactor".


11/27/2012 - Houston, Texas -- Wu will speak at the Methodist Cancer Center Retreat on 'Microfluidics for Cancer Cell Chemotaxis'.


11/27/2012 - Houston, Texas -- Wu will speak at the 13th Annual Principal Investigator's meeting for the Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies on 'Cancer Cell Chemotaxis'.


11/01/2012 - Pittsburgh, PA BJ Kim will speak at the 2012 Annual AICHE Meeting on ' Differential effects of Chemokines and Growth Factors on Tumor Cell Migration Using a 3D Microfluidic in Vitro Model'.


10/30/2012 - Pittsburgh, PA Kasyap TV will speak at the 2012 Annual AICHE Meeting on ' Bacteria-Swimming -Induced Hydrodynamic Diffusion of Tracer Particles'.


10/27/2012, Princeton, New Jersey -- Wu will speak at EITA-Bio conference at Princeton University on ' Biologically Inspired Microsystems Engineering'.


09/13/2012, Ithaca, NY-- Wu will speak at the seminar series of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Cornell University on 'Biologically Inspired Microsystems Engineering'.


07/26/2012, Heidelberg, Germany -- Wu will speak at 2012 Microfluidics Conference organized by EMBL on ' Microfluidics for Cancer Chemotaxis.'


04/27/2012 12:00pm, Los Angeles, CA - Wu will speak at the USC Phyical Oncology center seminar series on microfluidic for cancer chemotaxis.


04/10/2012  2:45pm, San Francisco, CA – Hall will speak at the Material Research Society meeting on ‘Mapping Single Cell Traction Field within a Three Dimensional Collagen Matrix Using a Fluorescence Microscope’.


04/06/2012 -- Congratulation to Matt and Rong for the acceptance of their paper on the development of a 4D traction force microscope in Biophysical Journal.


03/31/2012 -- Congratulations to Chris Roh, who was awarded a 2012 NSF graduate research fellowship.


03/30/2012 Arlington Texas, TX -- Congratulations to Erica Castillo, a visiting undergraduate researcher with our lab in the summer of 2011, who became the first Goldwater Scholar in University of Arlington, TX.


03/15/2012 Houston, TX -- Congratulations to Beatriz Ascencio, who was awarded a summer research fellowship from the Methodist Research Institute.


03/07/2012 5:00pm, Duffield Hall, Ithaca, NY --Congratulations to TianYu Wang who received a third place poster award at the annual Bioexpo symposium organized by the Institute of Biological Engineers for his work on the tracking of stem cell lineage in 3D.


03/02/2012  11:45am, Riley Robb, Ithaca, NY--  Hall will give an invited talk, Wang, Hannnanta-Anan, Kim, Kasyap and Tung will each present a poster about their research at the Annual Research Symposium in the Biological and Environmental Engineering department  on the development of a 4D traction force microscope.


03/01/2012  2:30 pm, Boston, MA. Wu will give an invited talk at the American Physical Society meeting on bacterial chemotaxis and microfluidics.

Site created and maintained by Young Joon Suh